God bless you, baby!
Founded in 1997, Julie & Company provides a comprehensive line of creative services. We specialize in developing effective logos and corporate branding, and have also developed over 250 websites for clients in a wide range of industries. Our services include brochure design, advertising, direct mail, project sheets, pocket folders, giveaways, product packaging, trade show booths, and more. If you need to promote your organization, Julie & Company can help.
Anyway, you can tell times are bad because:
Scary times. I guess the bottom line is that I should take George Harrison's advice and recognize that all things must pass - including these bad economic times. I just know that if one more financial pundit questions whether we're in a recession, I'm going to go postal. This includes my financially astute father who insists that since he is making so much money, there must be something wrong with me.
Now it's time for an affirmation: I am rich, debt-free, and have more money than I'll ever need. Amen.